
I enjoy graphic design. I like to fiddle with my blog's look constantly. I even help others from time to time. I'm still learning web-site stuff, but the graphics part is really fun. I don't have a professional suite of tools, but I get by with the free stuff. I've done all the work on

myself. Here's some of my portfolio:

I was looking at one of Jack's XBox games and,.. Hey! Wait a minute!

Brian started another site for tool reviews. I took a crack at it for him. Brian's Tool Reviews

. I think I like it better than my own banner at this point.

That's my tape measure Brian!

Summers Woodworking - Facebook Banner

- I started this as a contest entry for Summers but finished it a couple months too late.

Here's how it would look in place:


- made for this blog when I was having technical difficulties.

-  I like to start with original photos

The "Gunslinger"

Page Elements

(I may have touched it up a bit)

Photo editing.

We have an address plaque on the front of our house. I tend to blur out license plates, but I wanted the house shot to look a little cleaner:

Later I substituted the new address plaque's numbers with Dwarven lettering from Tolkien:

Unique graphics

- Some stuff I did for

30 for 30

's Facebook page